Individuals, Children & Families
Our team of highly experienced and qualified clinicians offer a broad range of skills and interventions that are tailored to your individual needs.
We support individuals, couples and families who experience a range of issues across their lifespan. Our vision is to unlock your true potential and build on your strengths and remedy any weaknesses.
We use an integrated approach combining psychological principles with evidence-based methodologies.
We are NDIS, SIRA and Medicare registered and work closely with other allied health professionals. Our clinicians provide a holistic approach and work collaboratively to support not only the individual but also members within your family unit.
To access our services, you can either self-refer or seek a referral through your GP who will assess your eligibility for any government rebates.
Our team include:
- Psychologists with experience in organisational, clinical, paediatric, and educational settings
- Clinical Social Workers
- Behaviour Therapists
- Art Therapists
- Speech Pathologists
- Occupational Therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Remedial and Learning Support Educators
- Therapy Assistants
Our Services include: